Jan 03, 2009 08:08
I'm getting back into Ouran Host Club. My friend bought me the first volume of the manga and read it last night. =v=b
Jon crashed over suddenly last night so we played Shadow of the Collosus for a few hours. Already three hours into the game we've killed 10 (or even 11 now?) colossi. This is pretty good for people who forgot how to kill some of them... and even forgot the controls. He'll be crashing again today early this morning, and I'm dragging him out with me on a walk (also so I can finish my work in time for my 10:30am deadline ahahaha;;;;), then it's off to downtown for some adventures!
I don't think I'll be on the Internet past this time, so if anyone really wants to catch me or whatever, I'll be available on my cell. Still no signs my Geezercomp is coming back anytime soon. ;~; Around the time it died I found myself petting it and calling it a good computer... orz. Seven years of attachment can do that to you. ;; It's been with me through my Gundam Wing, Golden Sun and Kingdom Hearts eras up to J-rock VISUAL KAYYYY then to Ouran and then to K-pop and omg SO MANY MEMORIES. GEEZER COMP, PLEASE GET WELL SOON!
Speaking of that, I haven't been feeling well much either. Actually right now 'cause I didn't sleep much, I feel worse, lol. But it'll be worth it. I realized yesterday I hadn't eaten in over 24 hrs, so that's why I was so cranky. Goddamn self, get a grip on yourself. >:(
videya gamez,