Please leave your feedback for the story as a comment to this post. If you'd like to receive a response please sign-in to LJ before posting or include your email address in the comment (all comments are screened, so nobody else will see your email address). If you would rather send an email, my username is "spacewolfcub" and my email server is "
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I only know the trop for the next chapter, I don't know what happens or even future trops. The sheer unknown of it makes me vibrate from awesomeness.
Don't forget in your list that we need to cause Barnes the kind of pain only explosive decompression can come close to approaching - except I want more blood and possibly immolation. And we need to hear more from Danny's parents at some point though probably far into the future. And I personally need a detatchable McShep spinoff.
As to answer your very good question... Why is Daniel so powerful? THANKS FOR THE PLOTBUNNY. I'll stick it in the hutch. *sigh* Because I came up with a very exciting answer almost right away that makes me quiver from the awesome... but of course I don't want to ruin things by giving the answer without it being in a story. *whine whine complain*
At this point, with A52 servers in trouble, I will likely do any uploading of stories to AO3. I'll post a notice on my LJ when I get an account there.
After Empathy I wrote Aerial, J/D wingfic also novel-length, which has so far only been published to a charity zine... I could probably publish it elsewhere by now. I started writing Arena, got stuck 15,000 words in. I started writing By Light of Moon, and my brain wandered off at 20,000 words. I have no idea why my brain insists on novel-length things if it won't let me finish them... :-S I did sort of learn my lesson with Equus, and I got to *an* ending before the muse ran out. And of course the much smaller fic Sleeping Beauty which you will find is a very soothing read after my usual hardcore angst. I should really publish that too... Sigh. Thanks for the demands. :-D
You'd need to find someone who bought the 'zine to find a copy of Aerial. I think the 'zine was called A Friend in Need?
My own copies of my website files and the 'zine are sadly trapped in my old computer. My computer at the time got bricked before I realized I needed to salvage my fanfic. Hopefully one day I can recover the data. That computer also had an evil desktop app for mail that downloaded and deleted emails from the website, so I lost the backups in email form as well.
NEVERMIND! Thanks to you I decided to poke around the ancient recesses of my email's sent folder, which apparently bypassed my evil desktop app!!
So I've discovered the source documents for both fics that I sent to the 'zine organizer andddd the beautiful art Antares made for it. I'll have to ask Antares if it's okay to re-publish those pics.
Barring anything else going horribly wrong, I should be able to post both fics to my Ao3 this week. Or you could see if you find someone with the e-zine version. :)
Sorry to spam the thread with more comments, but LJ decided to remove the ability to edit comments so this is the best I can do to give proper credit.
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