Jan 25, 2014 17:38
Like the Seasons
Pairing: Baekhyun-centric / mention of Kaibaek
Word Count: 687 words
Summary: Baekhyun's life and mood change with the seasons.
Warnings: Slight-angst?
Sometimes at the end of winter, when the snow has mostly melted and leaves from the autumn past cling to the sides of the road, Baekhyun likes to stand outside sipping a mug of mulled cider.
The morning air is frosty and nips at his cheeks and fingers. He's comfortably wrapped in a thick fleece robe that protects him from the frigid wind.
Baekhyun thinks this time of year is far from beautiful. The trees are bare, some branches fallen from the weight of heavy snow and unforgiving ice. Everything just seems dull and monochromatic. Even the dim rays of sun that reflect off remaining patches of white don't breathe life into anything they touch.
The streets are tinted brown with sand and dirt, thrown down to make the winter roads safe. Now it's just mud and grit that will be left until spring before it's swept away.
Baekyun decides the end of winter is a lot like his relationship with Jongin.
Ugly and sad.
A fresh spring start, of crocuses pushing through the defrosting earth,
followed up by a steamy summer, into a mellow fall and a winter of record breaking lows.
They call it Fall for a reason.
Leaves of the richest golds, most vibrant reds, and fiery oranges sway in crisp autumn air. It makes the trees look more alive than ever. One last surge of colour and happiness before one by one...
Once a single leaf hits the ground, the elements conspire to destroy the life within.
When Baekhyun fell, he was gently cradled by the breeze. A false sense of safety to the emptiness ready to pound him into the earth.
He only realised his predicament after the first snow. Things were progressively getting colder and hot chocolate was doing little to melt the icy tension between him and Jongin. The outdoors were grey, but indoors was even gloomier.
Sitting beside the man he once thought he loved, Baekhyun forces a smile, and lets out a hollow laugh. This is how it is now.
They're together in the literal meaning, but actual feelings are a thing of the past. They have come to a stand-still. As quiet as a winter morning after a heavy snow, when it lays untouched by man, animal, or vehicle. Dark as the thick clouds that drift across the sky and mask the sun.
Baekhyun feels snowed in. Stuck at home because a blizzard wants to keep him prisoner to loneliness. You can be with someone, with a room full of people even, and still feel alone.
Whatever spark went off in the spring, burned as a flame through summer, made it to the fall, and was extinguished by the first snowfall.
He sips his cider.
It burns his tongue.
Baekhyun finds himself welcoming the pain.
It means he's still alive.
Jongin is like the winter. Cold. Unforgiving. Unpredictable.
Baekhyun, who fell in fall, is kissed by snowflakes. The touch catches him off guard and he realises Autumn has come to an end. Winter sends shivers down his spine.
He's suffocating. Pounds of snow crush his body onto the ground below. No matter how hard he struggles, he will be trapped.
Sometimes at the end of winter, when the snow has mostly melted and leaves from the autumn past cling to the sides of the road, Baekhyun walks down the path of his shared home. (No, home sounds too comfortable, its just a house.) He can see his breath and it dissipates in the space around him.
Making his way to the edge of the road, he slows and takes a seat on the curb. Elbows rest on top of knees, and his hands, folded together to keep warm, are stretched before him. Baekhyun's head is hung and out of the corner of his vision, the dark figure of a rotting leaf catches his eye.
It's soggy, frail, with chunks taken out and the edges torn. Beaten to the curb by and left alone. The rain it once loved, killing it slowly.
A/N: so.... if there are mistakes its cause i only re-read it a few times and edited a little bit. (i'm lazy) idk what this even is. it was supposed to be about how gross the streets look after winter, all muddy and nasty and instead this just popped out. i also had a real hard time deciding the pairing, but i guess kaibaek just sort of worked!
thanks for reading???