Apr 15, 2006 21:36
I haven't had a quotes entry in a VERY long time and its...about time...some of these are really old but sitll completley hilarious here we go:
Cocokrispyfrk12: oh Sam hold me
Cocokrispyfrk12: oh yes Mr. Frodo
Cocokrispyfrk12: stroke me Sam
Cocokrispyfrk12: yes Mr. Frodo
Creative Writing:
Me: You got a notebook congradulations!
Danielle: I don't ilke you today...
Colby please odn't eat Kirsten's knee in class -Mr. Lopez
Me: Name your character Meredith!
Danielle: She's not a man...
Oh wait...TWO COOKIES - Angry lunch lady
I don't think they make black alligators -me
It turns out he murders his wife at night...no wiat...just once...-me
Me: Ew nails on a chalk board
Danielle: Males in a shop cart?
Her books sell like lettuce at a.......rabbit convention - Mr. Curtin
Old rubber shoes? -me
I'm missing teeth...which I already talked about - Mr. Lopez
this is a note that justin passed me:
Justin: I hate you today
Me: I love the chicken suit
Justin: I gave your mom a chicken suit last night
Me: I want to see your dad with no chicken suit
Justin: So do I
Me: Your dad is so hot, ahhh
*coburn talks about sex linkage*
Justin: Your mom gave me a lesson on sex linkage last night
Me> I want a lesson from...
Justin: Walter???
Me: No Coburn
Justin: he gives private lessons....believe me...I'd know
*peter pulls out a my little pony activity book from a drawer in Coburns class*
Peter: Ummm Coburn? you've got some explaning to do
Coburn:...dont' get detention hehehe
Tucker: Well I guess there oculd be incest I mean...if its only your brothers and sista's around
Peter:.......how far in Acton do you live?
Tucker: Coburn, did you draw that fish smoking?!
Coburn: he's a baaaaaaaad fish
Coburn: Whats that rabbit say? BAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM
Random quotes:
*watches Kuna* wow...he walks kinda funny doesn't he? - Mr. Wydra
I think young people are at their best when they're hammered - Mr. Thyng
Peter do you have a large piece of paper that we can either use to rull a joint or make a pair of trosers for king kongs behind? - Nicole
She would watch toast boy, but she thinks she'll crap her trousers - Nicole
Are you from british? -Walta
wow...its been a good few months hahaha.