Dec 10, 2005 09:26
So Caitlin had come to spend the night wtih me just...because shes hot and I love her...and it turns out we had a SNOWDAY! so her dad calls at like 5 in the morning and is like "okay cait, no school" and we FLIP OUT AND SCREAM SNOWDAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and then fall back asleep. Then my grandmother came to wake me up for school, but Caitlin had ended up sleeping in my she was like leaning over her looking creepy and oldladyish and witchy...and it was hilarious because caity screamed and I just giggled on my little bed in the corner.
So we woke up and made some delicious pancakes...and then came up wtih an agenda for the rest of the day. It started with eating all the ice cream we baught the night before, and watching DIRTY DANCING HAVANA NIGHTS! that resulted in much screaming about how hot Diego Luna is. because.....mmmmm hes sexy.
Then we went to find our parkas and snowpants to go frolic in the snow...but it turns out my mom hid the snowpants and we were we're taklign to Jeff and hes like "just wear some jeans!" so we go into my dads closet and find his fleece lined and flannel lined jeans...and we put on 2 layers of pj pants and sweat pants and then our fleece lined huge man jeans...yeah we were toasty and warm. the plan was to go sledding, but we're old so we ended up just like lying in teh snow and caitlin threw it at my face and I flipped was just like a movie mound of snow ends up SMACK DAB in my was kinda funny...I'll admit.
Then we disobayed my mothers wishes in her diagram of how to shovel the driveway...and we laughed and caitlin admited that she had never shoveled a driveway before because she si a spoiled brat..and I love her
then we came inside and ate PIZZAAAAAAA and watched EDWARD SCISSORHANDSSSSSS...and it was swell..good movie...I highly reccomend it...
Then we got online and were talkign to Jeffrey..and we were like "Come shovel us out we'll maek you cookies!" so he was like "OKAY ME AND NATE WILL BE RIGHT OVER!!" so we're feeling awesome about getting shoveled otu..and we call him because its taken him awhile....he doesn't again....he doesn't then we're thinking he DIED...and we're like oh dang...then we call a third time and he answers and we're like SLDKFJSDKLFJDSKLFDJ YUOUR ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and he was ilke um..yup..hey we just went up there and we can't make it to yo house, we're pissed...rela pissed..and we eat all their cookies we call back "JEFF WE ATE ALL YOUR COOKIES."..........."NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" and ti was funny. And yeah, we're still snowed in THANKS JEFF AND NATE. no cookies for you, sorry. Come shovel us out, adn we'll talk cookies
so the moral of the story is we're still snowed in....and its pretty crazy shit.