Nov 06, 2005 10:21
Ohhh golly, I had an amazing weekend.
Lets start on Friday...I went to the football game and it was REALLY COLD so I huddled under blankets wtih Ryan and Andrea..and it felt like 3rd grade again. Then I went for a few walks wtih people..Erin spilled some hot chocolate on my back...I ate danielles fried was a good night..then I went for a walk (or rather linked arm skipping)with Ryan and Erin and we were standing by the concession stand getting napkins and I met up with Jeff. And he was refusing to sit down and since he left a pizza at home to come hang out with me I decided to walk around with him, so we did. and we were walking infront of the bleechers and I was like "wow can you hear the rumors starting?" and Monday is going to be crazy with rumors and it will be funny. Then we finally sat down with my friends again and he explained football to me..and I waved to my mom but he refused, all my other friends were happy to wave to her though because she is cool. Then he invited me and andrea to go to NAtes house but all his sketchy friends were going to be there so we said "umm no thanks maybe some other time" and ran away.
We then went to the theater beause it would have been really boring to just go home. So we walked around the theater...drank cofee...and stood outside with Chris Ludden. I was EXTREMELY hyper by this point..and he was smoking cigarettes and spitting, so I started flipping out at him because he was spitting wehre I alwyas sit down and think about life. He kept spitting. Somehow...we got into a spitting fight, except I was really bad at it. and we just ran around like CRAZY in the parking lot screaming and spitting at eachother. (Andrea too haha) Then Pat came out with all these GIANT M&Ms and started throwing them at us, and I tried to run away but my shoe fell off, pat grabbed it and threw it into a tree, and I couldn't get it he had to pick me up to get it. Then Joshey came out ands howed us how hard it was to drink soda with a toilet paper roll, and I alguhed harder through this then I've laughed in a VERY long time..
Then we werel ike okay we're leaving, except we stood in the parking lot for like 1/2 an hour trying to figure out what to do..and Beth drove up so we were like YAY BETH. and we talked to her for awhile..then we saw a nasty green station wagon and I was like Jeff has a car like that..and it was him and JOhnny they stood and talked to us akwardly for awhile..then we got really cold and sat in Jeffs car..and jef and johnny went in stoner jeffs car and started getting stoned. Then Beth was like "We should steal his car" and I was like "OKAY!" so I went in the drivers seat ad we drove away..we were gunna go on the main roads but I was really bad at driving his car, so we drove around the parking lot a ton and I almost killed all of us like 12 times. Then we randomally parked it in the hannaford parking lot and stole his keys, and put it on top of stoner jeffs car but he dind't we walked over to say hello to a bunch of people and he came RUNNING At us and was lke "WHERE ARE MY KEYS?!?" and I was like "umm..I dunno" so somehow we got them back and RAN to his car..Andrea and Beth stole the keys, so I took my keys and was like HERES YOURS, well he took mine and chucked them in his I was beating him up trying to get my keys and beth and andrea drove away and dangled the keys infrotn of johnny and stoner jeff and they thought it was just eralyl funny. Then we finally gave them back..drove by them..honked really loudly...and then we all got in our cars..honked really loudly..and left.
YESTERDAY I went to the marine ball! but first andrea and I sat outside eating cereal..jeff drove by informed us he was going to petco and we laughed and he drove away.
then I got ready or the ball allll day and Justin came to get me like 2 hours early. so he had to sit adn akwardly talk to my dad while I got ready. Then we took pictures (go to my myspace theres one in the picture thing) and then we left, and we thought we were guna be there like 1/2 an hour early but we got LOST IN FUCKING BEDFORD for 2 hours. and stopped 3 times for directoions..anyway by the time we got god directions and got there we were PERFECTLY casually late..we talked to some people for like 5 minutes and then it was tiem to take our seats...then it was the ceremony..I had to bite my lip really hard not to laugh when the dude was signing the star spangled banner, and then the guest speaker came up and he was SOOOOOOOOOOOO DRUNK and was like "Combat is a lot like sure when you're done you ask if it was good for them" and then he said "You know..good thing for these marine uniforms..if not you guys would all be butt ugly!" and it was really funny. then we talked to the people at our tableee...and they asked if me and justin were going parking and we were like erm...not so much. and I thought they asked how old Justin was and they were like "18?" and I sayd "19" and it turns out they were asking how old I was...and they thought I was 19..and I had already told them I was born in 1988..and a junior in high school...they were really drunk so I don't think it really clicked to them. OH p.s. I could have gotten DRUNK sooooooo easily, but I Was a good girl and didn't. Justin got a huge cigar though. and it was a very fun night. Justin said he was glad he took me and not a "real girl" because he had more fun. He did introduce me as "his best friends little sister" (no name), "his sister Merrie", and once and awhile I was HIS DATE!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
WOOOOOOOOOO now I need super fun plans for today and this will be the flippin' SWEETEST weekend EVERRRRRR