Names have power in many cultures. Whether they be True Names to describe the Thing, or to define them - Cybertron, at its base culture, is no different. It is perhaps moreso.
A Cybertronian's name reflects their character, and function; it is not uncommon for names to be changed after times of great trauma to reflect the change in their bearer (Deadlock>Drift, IDW G1). Or, perhaps, for someone to take on another's name in tribute to their character, or in an attempt to emulate traits they idolize (Optimus Primal, Beast Wars). A name, in essence, sets the framework for a Transformer's manner; it is something for them to build upon and shape as their own. With this in mind, the interpretation of such can certainly be different (Need we point out the different Starscreams across the multiverse?).
The English/Human/ect translation of a Cybertronian name results in some loss in meaning; in the actual language, Ironhide is more than proclaiming the toughness of one's armor. It is suggestive of endurance, refusing to submit to any onslaught of power, to whether whatever storm is sent at them.
When you get into Source - the langauge of the Originals and Primus himself - they take on even more meaning.
The language is the source of all other Cybertronian languages, from Ancient Autobot to Modern Decepticon to Cybertronix. It can be compared, in this sense, to earth's Proto Indo European languages. While there are arguably other language 'mothers' out there, Source is undeniably the root from which Cybertronian languages stem. As language evolved, they took on other influences and moved further and further away from Source, but they still share the common parent.
Source itself is also similar to Cantonese, in that tones play a strong part in conveying ideas and meanings. However, perhaps a better comparison would be to that of a song's notes (or a dial tone modem doing an impression of a violin and being DAMN GOOD at such); there are different and distinct pitches. One can say the same word with different emphasis and have it mean an entirely different thing.
That said, a Cybertronian's name in their modern language and in Source...the comparison is akin to a singe sentence versus an entire book of meaning. Source is capable of expressing a mind-blowing amount of information in a very short amount of sound...but whether or not all this information is understood remains to be seen. Modern Cybertronian languages set the framework for the being, with the name; Source defines the being. It speaks of who they are, what they aspire to, their hopes, dreams, fears... is no surprise that the Fallen's name was one of the things discarded in his betrayal.
Vector Prime's name in modern Cybertronian languages is twofold; the latter portion is indicative of his rank, status, and position in regards to Primus. The former speaks of guiding and direction.
In Source, as one can expect, it is far more complicated. he who guides time and space upon their course; he who sets the path; he who would show others the way; he who would create the way; Original creation/Original guardian are just some of the concepts embodied in it.
And for language quickreference; Vector uses the hex color code #006666 to OOCly designate he's speaking in one of the Cybertronian languages.
When he speaks Modern Cybertronian, the font face does not change. Other Cybertronians may note that he has a faint accent; specifically, a similar one to others from the Aurex cluster (read: Unicron Trilogy). (Since it seems to be in-game fanon that those from differen clusters speak Cybertronian with different accents; I imagine that since Vector's journeyed through many, his is only barely perceptible.)
When he speaks Ancient Cybertronian, the font changes to MS Serif. This is a language that has fallen out of use with most Cybertronians, and is 'nowadays' only found in ancient works - hence the name. OOCly, it could be compared to Latin in terms of relative age/relation to Modern.
When he speaks Source, the font changes to Book Antiqua. (Formerly High Tower Text; it was noted this did not show up in all browsers.) Source is virtually unknown to most Cybertronians, though there may be some basic recognition. (Racial memory?)
Vector is somewhat familiar with Decepticon and Autobot dialects, but only through their common language parent(s); he can work his way through writing with some study, but cannot carry on a conversation in either.