Conundrum Reads the Entire Campion Series Out of Order:
Death of a Ghost (1934)
The first Campion book I ever read. In a slightly more serious turn for our hero, Campion finds himself "witness" to a murder at an art show. The subsequent investigation nearly gets him killed himself!
A finely crafted tale of complicated familial and friendly relationships as for the first time we see Campion allow himself to become emotionally involved in the case he is investigating. The drunken climax is particularly harrowing and incidentally was adapted rather well to television.
Descriptions of Albert Campion throughout the novel:
“He was a lank, pale-face young man with sleek fair hair and horn-rimmed spectacles. His lounge suit was a little masterpiece, and the general impression one received of him was that he was well bred and a trifle absent-minded.”
“Albert Campion wandered into the room looking his usual vacant, affable self. If there was a hint of anxiety in his eyes it was hidden by the spectacles.”
“Campion looked at her, and there rose up in his heart genuine ruthless hatred which took possession of him and gave him the poise and confidence which had temporarily deserted him.”
“Campion was as earnest as he had ever been. The vacuity had vanished from his face, leaving him unexpectedly capable.”
“Mr. Campion jibbed at a word and fluffed it badly, and alarm seized that part of his brain which is the last to succumb to alcohol or anaesthetic.”
“Mr. Campion was still angry. The emotion of personal hatred, which is after all practically unknown among sophisticated folk, had descended upon him, making him ashamed.”
“Campion was naturally observant, and training had intensified this attribute so that whole scenes were wont to photograph themselves on his mind in minute detail, but on this occasion he saw but one thing, one thing lifted out of its surroundings.”