Keeping up the momentum . . .

Feb 05, 2007 21:49

Even though we're 11 days past the 70 days of the Poetry Project, I'm managing to keep up one a day--most much shorter--and Saturday tackled my first sapphic (from, ofcourseof course, Sappho's example). Maybe now, while I'm editing the Grandmother Tilda poems, is the time to go more seriously into forms. The first serious poems I wrote were sonnets (one Shakespearean, one Petrarchan), and I've done a few since then; I've made brief forays into sestina and villanelle, and have taken refuge a time or two in the haiku, but there are so many possibilities. Oh, brave new world that has such poems in it!

Now, though, I must go finish today's more-or-less-found poem.
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