Baby, let's take this time, let's make memories.

Jul 28, 2010 12:11

 Muzik & Memories They Bring

I'm the type of person who would put the current ear worm of mine on constant repeat for days and days and days until I simply tire of it. And I'm sure you've had experiences where a particular song playing on the radio would spark off specific memories. It could be about your ex, it could be any particular happy moment in time, it could be anything. Like for instance (thanks to Haniel), Ke$ha's whole album reminds me of my trip to London, where Blah Blah Blah would remind me of the odd girl sitting next to me on the Tube partying and dancing to that song, or how Take It Off would make me start reminiscing about the brutal rain and cold when we visited Tate Modern. How Flo Rida's Low brings to mind our crazy singing on the streets of Oxford Circus. Or how Vampire Weekend would remind me of my countless trips to HMV in London and shelling a fortune over CDs there, and like how Jason Derulo's In My Head was playing when I was on Eurostar to Paris. Most recently, N-Dubz's I Need You reminds me of how HL was so annoyed that I kept listening to the song in Taiwan.

(Above all, I truly realize with the paragraph about how lucky I am to truly experience a 'gap year', but not really needing to take a year off to explore the world, to travel. I've spent 5 weeks in Europe and close to 2 weeks in Taiwan in the past few months waiting for university to start. Thank you, my dear parents and my wonderful friends I've spent all my time overseas with.)


Alright, I admit that I'm really, really lazy so wearing contact lens don't really work out for me. (Actually, this reluctance to wear contacts stem from a very bad experience seeing a friend of mine spending time digging out her lens which tore into small pieces inside her eye whilst in school.) And so (ENSO), I had a brief surgery done to my eyes. It didn't hurt, since they would give you numbing eye drops constantly before and during the operation. The calibration of the eye ball had to be the process that pains the most, with the pressure forced onto your eye ball that's accompanied with a  short sharp piercing pain that quickly passes. The doctor/surgeon/opthamologist then creates a small incision, and you can feel him shifting the flap as everything blurs momentarily. The scariest part would be the tick tick tick tick tick tick sound when the laser's in use, and the distinct smell of burning flesh (very much so like a barbecue) when they are working on your eye, and the fact that you know that smell comes from your eye ... I tried to hold my breath though.

It was less than a few minutes on each eye, and the only thing you really have to do would be keep your eyes on this red light above (which confuses me like crazy, because there's a green BLINKING light below the red light... and my attention's always wandering to the flashing light). He was nice, and soon he was all, "Congratulations, you have a new right eye.", "Congratulations you've now clear, perfect eye sight", etc.

I re-read the above.. and realized that if I'm trying to encourage more people to consider LASIK if they had the intention to pursue this, I'm failing horribly. It does not hurt. It does not hurt. It does not hurt. Yes, I'm awake in the process, but don't worry about moving too much and disrupting the surgery. You'll be pretty much paralyzed with fear (like me). Just joking, I had more fear when I headed off to my A Levels exam.


Okay, I still feel like a visitor to my university, and the fact that I'm attending school here for the next few years (or that I would be moving to staying on campus on Friday) has not sunk in yet. It was funny though, that I still get lost on campus and had to have design school students tell me, an arts student, where the arts canteen was.

And damn, I've not decided what modules I wanted to study in semester one and bidding fucking starts tomorrow.

musings, life, school

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