So after some sort of astral conjunction involving sweeeet nectar;
amazon is paying me to get a sidekick II. Get yours while they're hott. and they are HOTT. Sooo much better than the original design, longer battery life, built in camera, and a better designed interface. WITH SPEAKERFONE OMG!111
So here's da bidness. The AIM name stays the same (mightbeoutthere) but the e-mail address and fone number get changed.
It's so simple you can practically do it along with me. The e-mail goes to my LJ name
That's right, spacerobfive can now get email on his cellphoney.
As for callin' with the ringy-dingy? take my old number and replace the last four digits with 0059
Or just AIM me when my away message is up.
Don't think you're getting out of this easily.
And the first three CD's are going in the mail tomarrow afternoon. Priority mail, baby. Only the best for you.
AIM, e-mail das addy or come over to get your copy today.