Dec 14, 2007 07:08
So Wednesday evening a gorl came to pick up Lucy. She had responded to my Kijiji add about a cat to give away. I guess even after I explained to her that Lucy is a very shy cat and she wouldn't come out for a few days, she wasn't prepared for the nervous wreck that is Lucy. Aparently she even went as far as to dig a whole in the canvas part of the underneath of the couch to hide inside the couch! She called me last night all panicked, Lucy hadn't eaten or gone to the litter in a whole day. Well, I knid of had a feeling that this girl wasn't really able to handle a high maintenance cat like Lucy. She was going to come and bring her back on Saturday but Alain and I went over right away because I could only imagine that Lucy wasn't anywhere near leaving the inside of the couch. bleh...
The minute I got there I grabbed her from the inside of the couch and she started purring in my arms. She got home and immediately went to the litter and then stuffed her face. Sigh... I don't think it was a very positive experience. Even though the girl seemed nice and good hearted, I think it may take someone special to be able to handle Lucy. I'm not sure I'm willing for that person to be anyone but me for the moment.