Fic Post: Five Minutes to Midnight

Mar 07, 2007 17:28

*takes the plunge and posts first*

"Five Minutes to Midnight"
By Rigel

Fandom: Stargate SG1
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of these characters, nor do I intend to profit from them.
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairing: Cameron Mitchell, Team
Category: AU, Apocafic, Gen
Content Warnings: None
Spoilers: Season 9 to “Ripple Effect”
Word Count: 3074
Summary: "You need more time, but there is none to spare."
Thanks: Thanks to my super awesome beta team Bunne (katiefoolery), Jenn (surrealphantast) and Gillian (crazedturkey) - many cyber cookies and chocolate for all your helpful comments and encouragement.
Author’s Notes: Written for the LJ spacepirate_fic ficathon. (despite having to really squint for the pirateage :P) For annerbhp - Happy Birthday! Enjoy my very first SG1 fic!

"Five Minutes to Midnight"
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