(no subject)

Oct 08, 2007 14:05

Astrotrain reporting in -- arrived at what I think is the right planet and made a successful landing. I need directions to wherever our base is from my current coordinates, and an update on what's what with the situation here would be good too.

Anyone seen Blitzwing yet? Slagger disappeared on me on our way here. Spent ages looking for his sorry aft but didn't manage to find him. I'm half convinced that he got eaten by that big ugly thing floating around by all the debris we were passing through and none of us will ever see him again.

(...Speaking of which, what's that thing doing floating around in the middle of a field of debris anyway? Shouldn't we, you know, try and figure out a way to get rid of it or something? It doesn't look very easy to get rid of, I'll give you that, but I'm not exactly all that comfortable with the idea of it just sitting there and being free to do what it likes either.)

intro stuff, arrival

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