Blossom 3

Jun 08, 2009 17:42

I don't understand this place... they make us fight each other because they claim there are too many people, and then they drag so many more here! It doesn't make any sense. There are so many new arrivals... Why are we all being brought here?

Did anyone else notice that the town expanded? A little bit ago it wouldn't have been big enough to house everyone, but it is now. What kind of strange power is at work here...?

[Filtered from the drones]
Everyone, be strong! We can get out of here, I know it! With every new person that shows up, there's one less drone! There's got to be a way out of here. We just need to stick together!

Many of the new arrivals seem to know each other. Have you all come from the same world, then?

simon, ryoko, ed, soul, russia, ryohei, lithuania, yuki, maya, al, tamaki, t3-m4

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