Earlier this week I converted my desk to a standing up arrangement. So far it's not going too badly. In the meantime, There's a 31 Days to Build a Better Blog challenge going on this month, which is hosted in part by
I'm Still Standing (no relation to the first concept) and the
Secret to Success Girls. Yesterday was "do a list post day" and I did do a list post,
Ten Roman Women You Should Know About, which took about 5x longer than it should have to assemble. Clearly I am missing something about list posts and how to make them "easy" and "fun". Well, I hope the list is fun for the reader if not for me, at least. I'm trying again here.
5 Things I've Learned About Stand Up Desks
- Wear good shoes, or get a mat. If you're over 2 years old, the standing in one place thing gets hard on the feet fast. By good I mean supportive and cushy. I'm currently wearing Airwalks Croc rip offs and they're great.
- Move around. My back doesn't get tired nearly as fast if I shift in place, remember to walk around occasionally, etc.
- Lower abs! Speaking of back pain, standing up is really giving my lower abs a good workout. But OTOH, for all of us who have had desk type jobs for the last decade or so, this is going to take some conditioning.
- It's hard to think standing up. I was trying to work on some fiction the other day, and standing up feels "wrong" for plotting. I'm sure I'll get over this just like I got over switching computers. Used to be that switching back and forth from the desktop to the laptop nixed my story mojo. I got over that, I figure this "can't think on my feet" thing shall also pass.
- I waste far less time online. It's way easier to watch that 3rd cute LOLCat video when you're sitting down.
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http://spaceoperadiva.dreamwidth.org/31662.html. Please comment there using OpenID.