The Girl Unit set out her Peep plushies. I got the kids a chocolate bunny and we cooked meat since our yearly meat-fast is over and that was Easter for us this year. Last year the kids were not well-engaged with either egg dye or hunting. I think we've outgrown that stuff now. Some time in the future we may make arty eggs, like we used to do B.K. (before kids). It was both a relief to not be caught up in the egg hiding and a little melancholy, a landmark on the road to adulthood for the kiddos.
I was expecting my militantly evangelical people on Facebook to annoy me over Easter, but they behaved well, spreading Easter wishes and avoiding the in-your-face, "Hi, it's Easter and all of you who don't believe what I believe are going to H E double toothpicks! By the way, Christ is Risen, Praise Gawd!" stuff that they did last year.
The pagans, OTOH, annoyed me enough that it severely tested my self-control for snark, both in person and online. Oestara was LAST MONTH, people. If you don't stop conflating your Wiccan Wheel of the Year holidays with Christian holidays, you will continue to drag down the cause of respectable, enlightened paganism. STOPITSTOPITSTOPIT.
So, yeah. We celebrate Easter as a secular US holiday at our house, while feeling happy for our Christian friends who enjoy their most important Christian holiday of the year. And I point sternly at March 21st at those wishing me happy Oestara.
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