Nov 08, 2005 14:33
I figure I better type out my frustrations again so that I don't say anything too rude and lose my job -
Bev: "Man, I am pooped today!"
KT: "oh me too. I feel like I got my butt kicked. I swear, I think it's the flu shot I got."
Bev: "See, that's why I'm worried about getting it."
Rachel (shouting from her office): "YOU *CANNOT* GET SICK FROM THE FLU SHOT! Everyone MUST understand that."
KT: "Oh yes you can! You most certainly can, just like with any vaccine. They are injecting some of the virus."
Rachel: "Yes, but it's dead."
KT: "No, it's very much alive, just slightly mutated to control its ability to reproduce in your body in the quantities needed to get sick. It has to be alive so that it can infect a few cells so that your body does its immune response. That's why babies temperatures go up when they get vaccines, immune response."
Rachel: "Their bodies react, but they're not sick. They can't get sick from it."
KT: "Their bodies reacting is their immue response - they may not be sick, but their immune system still responds which causes symptoms. That's what sickness is, immune responses that cause symptoms that we don't like. Trust me. Microbiology. This is one thing I really do know for sure."
And that was that. Probably came off as a bitch, really don't care. I'm so tired of her acting like she's so amazing a superior. How is it that a master degree can automatically make you queen of the universe!?!?