The computer currently being used has a speaker out which kills me cause i have it in my head that the G4 is the toughest laptop on the block. Got some James Figurine in the head phones, and feelings I can't describe. This fucks me up something awful cause i still hold a two day party in the highest spiritual context but this year the feelings were so mixed. The inspiration for this comes from the angst, awkwardness, and jaded vibes I got from so many of the elder ravers at the Paxahau eight year anniversary. You know who you are so if you want to talk about the politics of dancing or just want to post your poetry in response, bring it on. her goes.................................................
"It is necessary to travel. It is not necessary to live."
It could be said that i'm still physicaly fatigued from two days of partying with the energy of a child. That child i so desperately want to be but in many ways am not. It was amazing as all Paxahau gigs are. Eric was fighting off being consumed by the darkness that claims so many of Michigans reminents. So was every person in attendance. These are dark days in a dark place where so many hopes have been exstinguished. i missed "Rthym and Sound" But caught a healthy portion of Dan Bell. Good and bad, Ying and Yang, some kind of balance despite that troubled sea of composite fear and doubt. We all seem to lose the ability to keep up a care free facade as the years go by.
i was geeked and so were the majority of the attendants. That is what matters most. Care free abandon and the need to celebrate life. The Five Fingers of the Tao
So a refresher on some of the basics of higher understanding...
Dimension How we relate to:
The Eternal Transcendent Tao Mystical Spirit
Mother Tao, Source of all things Cosmological Nature
The Tao of the Great Mergence Psychological Soul
The Tao of the Ten Thousand Things Scientific Work/Art
The Social Tao, the way of Humanity Sociological Society
BIGGEST BLACK HOLE (from Endless Universe)
A very daring idea has emerged in recent years: We may be living within a Black Hole! Some scientists have suggested that the entire universe is a huge Black Hole, of a rather different kind. It is not surrounded by an event horizon, but curves back on itself like the surface of a balloon. The result is the same: YOU CANNOT ESCAPE. The universe has no central singularity. Instead, It had a singularity in the past, the big bang in which the universe began, and it may collapse back into a singularity in the future, the big crunch. The theory links Black Holes and universes so closely that it predicts a Black Hole can actually create a new universe..........
The strong nails that hold things together,
have flown into the evening sky,
over the city,
built of rose and gentle burlap
The concreat and the clay and the quiet buildings,
are breathing after the heat of the day
i walked through the parks, the streets and the fountains,
the colored mosaic squares and the water jumping in the light
the fountains are singin, they are singing the songs
that you heard a long time ago
but they crept out across the back fields in the dawn light
and the songs that they sing rip the walls apart
and leave you no hope for to broke your heart
the songs that the great plains, the fields and the deserts
till everything becomes transparent
and with the walk dols raw *
we fly through the night with joyous hearts
i have swum in the river, i have slept in the fields
i have swum in the river at night and i've walked through the dusty pines
from my room i can hear the trains riding out to the cities of Europe
the cold bright September mornings and the snowy north
from my room i can hear the trains
from my room i can hear the Swallows
i don't know if they 're calling me
to freedom or to fall apart
hold your heart together
hold your mind together
i walk beneath your ladders and kites
hold your heart together
* Means i couldn't make out the line but that's what it sounds like.
As i've said before, we all become whores in the end... la dee da...