Random thoughts

Jun 03, 2012 21:59

It appears that I haven't posted on here since February!!!! I'd like to say that life has been far too manic to have time to post but sadly it's just kind of same blip different day in a lot of cases. What's new since Feb hmmm.....

Well we found out which school Mr Squishy will start in September! He's off to the same school that the Shmo used to go to and has a couple of frinds there already. I've got to get round to buying his uniform soon before the end of term so it's all here before September.

Mr Squishy had a great time on his birthday, lots of mess, presents and cake was had. We're going to take him and a few little frinds to a local zoo once the weather warms up and stop throwing water at us. Pics to follow as soon as we've taken them.

My birthday was good, the girls at work got me a gorgeous bunch of flowers, my boss got me a little pressi and a surprise delivery of flowers as well. The SO got me some wonderful pressis including clothes, perfume and chocolates. Oooh and I went to an Imelda May gig with the girls from the office as a special outing. :)

In other news I've managed to pass the first 3 parts of my bike test and have the final bit 15th June at 8:10am, all good vibes etc appreciated. :) The hypnotherapy has been helping looooads so ar so I'm hoping this time I'll manage it ok without going to pieces.

Work is going well I think, I've finally got a job description after doing the job or over 9 months. It still makes me smirk that I'm to provide secretarial services to my boss..... Things are going to change a little by September though as his role is changing so mine will kind of follow suit I guess. I'm already doing waaaaay more than I'm reasonably expected to, or should realy be allowed to do in a lot of cases, but you know what it's like, if you just get on with it and don't have a meltdown they kind of expect it after a while. Anyway I'm still enjoying the job so far so we'll see what happens in september I s'pose.

Shmo is doing ok at school, she seems to be doing well but as she's hit 'that age' it's kind of hard to tell a lot of he time. we introduced her to Kevin & Perry last weekend and she now understands why we get frustrated with her. Still she's off at a scout camp till Wednesday so we're enjoying the peace and quiet for a while, such as it is.

Well that's pretty much my life in a nutshell for the last few months, how is every one else doing? I'm sorry I don't post much on here at the moment, but I do read everyone elses posts given half a chance. Hope this finds you all well, take care till next time people. Xx

school, work, bikes, life, birthdays

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