Dec 17, 2013 12:49
A day or so after I got back from London, I woke up with a sore throat. It felt like I was swallowing glass. It sucked massively but I figured I'd get sick from all the traveling and flying. However, last night I woke up about 1am because it felt like my throat was swollen and when I breathed in to cough, it felt like I couldn't get enough air. It got bad enough that I woke my mom up and we drove to the emergency room. They listened to my breathing and looked at my throat. Lungs sounded clear and throat was only irritated. Doc said I have an upper respiratory infection and that since it's a virus, I really just have to wait it out. I'm trying to drink plenty of fluids and I got cough medicine but otherwise I just have to wait. I've called in sick today and we'll see about tomorrow.
I'm pretty sure I also had a panic attack which made it harder to breathe. It still feels a bit like I'm trying to breathe under water, but before it was nearly impossible to even take a breath.