Weekends never feel nearly as relaxing as you hope. I wake up on Saturday feeling like the weekend is already over. I usually like to keep Sunday free for doing nothing, but it never seems to work out that way. Or I really don't do anything and feel guilty for not watching crap on my DVR. Where am I going with this? Who knows.
I did a couple important things today though. I renewed my Norton subscription. I renewed my Verizon contract and upgraded to an iPhone 4S. Finally! My brother switched to Sprint which meant that his line in our family plan was free. He got a smart phone a couple years ago when they still offered unlimited data so I switched to his line. Unlimited data! It did mean I had to change my phone number though. Now I'm just trying to personalize it. Anyone have any app recs? I have Pandora, FB, Twitter, Netflix, Instagram, Getglue, but anything else I'm missing? Anything free? Oh, and since I'm already spending a bunch of money today, I resisted buying a cover/case at the store and instead treated myself to
Also, I'm in love with the Fabulous Baker Brothers. That is all.
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