stolen from Tumblr
I might be alone in this, but I rather enjoyed it.
I will admit that there was a lot packed in there that didn't really make sense or seemed kind of rushed. There wasn't enough backstory for many of the new characters we saw. But I know this is just the first half of the season and a cliffhanger at that, so we'll have to see where this is leading.
I loved Rory kicking ass and taking names though. I loved the scene between the Doctor and the Colonel (? I forgot his rank already). Matt Smith kicked some ass right there. I loved the Doctor getting so upset over people using the ones he loves to get to him. I LOVED that Doctor said he loved them. Amy, Rory, and Eleven have felt so much like a family. I've really enjoyed having the 3 of them together.
I loved Amy being so sure that Rory and the Doctor would come for her. I loved the Doctor speaking baby. I loved the Doctor smelling Melody and Amy. I loved the Doctor asking Rory for permission to hug Amy. I loved the Doctor's embarrassment when he was trying to think when Melody could have been conceived. I loved the Doctor going to get his crib for Melody.
I know some people are having issues with the whole River is Amy and Rory's daughter, but honestly? I kind of like it. I know it's something we've been speculating about for a while so it doesn't seem like a big enough reveal and there might be more to it. But I love that Amy and Rory have such a kick ass daughter. A freaking space archaeologist. And if it is in fact true, I love how it makes them even more of a family. Like even if Rory and Amy settle down and we get a new companion, they will always be important to the Doctor. Not like his other companions aren't, but I've grown rather fond of these two and I like the idea that they're actually the Doctor's family now. His in-laws, LOL. And, for me, it makes me like River even more.
Though it raises many questions. Not even related to shipping, because that's a conversation that's going to get weird. Like, I'm not even touching that right now, LOL.
So River is a new Time Lord? That means her awesome hair is the direct result of having a Time Head. Trufax. She can regenerate? Is she that little girl then? The one raised by the Silence? Did she not remember that time because the Silence mess with your head or was it because of spoilers? And now I'm hoping that River killing the best man she's ever known doesn't mean she'll kill her father, Rory. They've bonded a bit and the Doctor seems too obvious, but then again, who freaking knows.
All I know is that this episode made me laugh, cry, and I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. And I can't wait to see how this is all going to tie together.
ALSO, can I just say that I love that they're still using Amy's last name instead of Rory's. It just makes me happy. That's all. That and Amy's middle name is my name :D
It's the simple things in life.
ETA: This was also stolen from Tumblr:
Guys just imagine how Rory's going to try to locate his paternal feelings for River.
Amy will give herself time to adjust, figure this out on her own pace, but Rory will be like OKAY I’M A FATHER. I MEAN I WAS ALREADY A FATHER BUT NOW I’M A FATHER TO RIVER. And he’ll be going over this Dad Checklist in his brain and running everything River says through a Dad Filter and he will definitely have a moment where he remembers thinking how hot River was and he’ll have to deal with that and compartmentalize it FAR FAR AWAY.
Okay that last bit is unfortunate, but the whole Rory being all fatherly to River just makes me smile. God, if it turns out she kills him, I'm going to cry so hard.