Ugh. RL is not quite going my way right now. BUT we are training someone to be an Assistant Manager and in about a week or so, I might be able to get back to 5 day weeks (2 full days off!) so there's that.
I watched that Kdrama I won (You're Beautiful) in 3 days and I kind of fell in love. I always go into these shows thinking I won't get attached to the characters, it won't make me cry, I won't care about the couples, etc. And then I fall. Hard. (At least most of the time.) I'm also not usually a fan of the quiet, seemingly cold main guy who just happens to be the female's love interest, but Tae Kyung won me over. Turns out he's adorable, makes stupid faces, and acts like a DORK in love ♥
both vids are non-spoilery
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