So my oral surgeon called and I finally have an appointment to have my wisdom teeth ripped out of my skull - March 27th, over spring break - which gives me five days to recuperate before I start new classes.
What else is new? Ummm...
Pictures from the set of X-Files 2. They pretty much made my day. Spoilers, obviously.
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Adult Toys Store 3] I really like
this song by She & Him (aka Zooey Deschanel and M. Ward).
4] And one more thing. Back in Freshman year of college (what, all of 4 years ago) there was a guy I liked in my Intro to Archaeology class. Anyhoo, he was a drama major and I saw him in a couple plays. The reason why this is important is because I was watching the Lizzie McGuire movie on Disney the other day (I feel no need to defend myself) and during a break, they showed one of those Disney 365 things where young people interview actors/actresses and whatever involved in Disney projects. The point is that I thought one of the interviewers looked familiar and when I figured out who it was, it was a bit of a surprise.
Here is a clip of Mikey (who before Disney was just known as Mike). And yes, I know he's a dork. That's probably why I liked him. In a school production of the Buffy musical, he played Xander ^_^ Just to make sure though, I checked his Facebook and sure enough he's in Florida right now and people had commented on his wall saying that they saw him on the Disney channel.