clicketyclick3's header is kind of awesome <3
So is
lissie_pissie's for that matter.
I fell asleep watching SGA last night. I was really tired. But I just finished watching it -
it was a good episode. I'm kind of really glad that Rodney and Katie are broken up. They just don't work together. People can be adorably awkward with each other, but they were painful. Ronan and the doc are kind of cute. But the best part? Probably John realizing that Rodney would be freaking out and him knowing Rodney's code. First, it means that Rodney told him his code. I wonder how that even came up in conversation... strange pillow talk. 42! They are all sorts of adorable together.
Also, something that made me really excited, from
JB also says this in his auto-biography. Lifted from the book........
"""In one of the early episodes of the second series, Ianto has a meltdown in the Hub one night, for reasons far too complicated to go into here, but if you've seen it, you'll know. I have to admit it's one of my favourite episodes to date. Anyway, while Jack comforts Ianto, he shifts from innocent consolation to a full-on, passionate embrace and kiss.
Gareth and I assumed 'the position' and went for it. The episode's director never called 'cut'. By the time Gareth and I were hitting the two-minute mark, my lips were getting numb and Gareth was getting twitchy.
'You ******!" we both yelled in unison, when we finally realized what was going on and pulled apart."""
I'm guessing this is from the scene where Ianto says "I'm a monster." This is going to be fun!