Oct 03, 2020 12:00
- Fri, 23:00: RT @ cw_spn: It's always been two brothers and the open road. The final 7 episodes begin Thursday, October 8! #Supernatural #SPNFamilyForeve…
- Fri, 23:01: RT @ ChrisEvans: My blood is boiling. Find this man. You don’t touch Rick Moranis.
- Fri, 23:01: RT @ rajandelman: What if the Masked Singer is how Christ returns
- Sat, 00:04: RT @ 68tilinfinity: my tl just turned into whatever the opposite of a prayer circle is
- Sat, 00:05: RT @ JustCorri: I fully missed this ad on its first go round. My heart is warm.
- Sat, 00:05: RT @ colliderfrosty: Whoever did this deserves to be arrested for the rest of his life. Rick Moranis is a national treasure. He also quit a…
- Sat, 00:13: RT @ EW: New 'Supernatural' video offers behind-the-scenes look at the final episodes https://t.co/zVcrDuwd84
- Sat, 00:20: RT @ IFC: Joe Pesci understands the yutes. #MyCousinVinny tonight 8P on @ IFC. https://t.co/Zsd3bog4CG
- Sat, 00:21: RT @ haunting: One week to go. Until then, enjoy our perfectly splendid opening titles. https://t.co/2wxdka3ZmU
- Sat, 00:22: RT @ PonchoRebound: My entire timeline right now: https://t.co/aPdnXNQnIf