Dec 12, 2007 13:27
I went from being barely noticed to being well liked in Wal-Mart in what felt like minutes, though in reality it was about 3-4 months. Everyday I'm amazed at who knows my name, and even better, can pronounce it correctly. A lot of the guys Fredy talks to are talking to me now, and all the unloaders have a blast talking and joking with me. There are a lot of other people that I don't even know that know my name. This is still quite shocking to me. But I'm getting used to it, I noticed that everyone knew me when I helped set up for Black Friday. Of course I got my hair cut a day earlier, so that kinda explained that, but it has continued.
On Monday James, the security guard told me that someone has a crush on me at Wal-Mart. I begged him to tell me who it is. He finally gave in. It's unloader Nate which didn't surprise me. James didn't want to tell me cause there is the possibility that Nate will ask me out. But Nate's scared I'll laugh at him. But I like Nate, after James told me on Monday I started really flirting with Nate to try and give him the hint that I wouldn't say no if he asked me out.
I worked for 5 hours his morning. Which was really quite amusing cause I didn't tell Fredy that I was working this morning. The look on his face... priceless. Too bad I didn't have my camera. It was a classic double take followed by WTF! Yeah it was amusing. Nothing really interesting happened at work though. Fredy and I were both quiet most of the time. Though you could tell when Fredy woke up. He started picking on me and trying to scare me and kinda flirting with me. I talked to James for a little while today and told him to tell Nate that if he asks me out I'll say yes. I found out that James told Nate that he told me. Nate wanted to know what I said or did. So James told him I smiled... which I did... cause I do like Nate, I just didn't think Nate would like me. Damn I'm dumb.
Well i need to get to class. Finals... Damn... I'm taking a hit on my Computers grade, I'm not turning in the last assignment at all. I didn't have time to do it. More about that later though... hopefully ... I still have a history essay to write tonight.