Shiggity shwah!

Dec 13, 2005 17:57

Gah! Why does love blind you to the true nature of people? I say this not because I know it to be true, but because the alternative is much much worse to me. Not a month ago, I thought somebody was everything...that I would be with them until I passed from this existence. I would have given anything and everything for her...and now, it's all gone. There was a lingering doubt that I was over her, just because of the longevity of the relationship...but it's been dispelled. After the occurances of the past few weeks, I've grown far more than simply fed up with this. I'm now disgusted by the very person who used to be everything I ever wanted. I'm repulsed by things about her that I thought I loved. Why must the fickle mind find imperfections in what is gone? Is this some sort of fiendish way to cope? For the mind to destroy that which the heart held sacred? It seems such is the case for me. I at least thought I was happy, I had the illusion before me of having everything I could ever want...and now flaws I didn't see become apparent every day. Why must love taunt me so? What the hell...shig. Oh well, so much for that. It's over and I'm done with it. When someone makes a big deal about something (like talking face to face) they should goddamn well do it. I'm done with half-truths, and lack of communication. If anybody out there has a problem with me, or the things I say or do, let me know. Let's not just wait until shit gets so bad that it can't be fixed. I try to be an understanding guy, especially with my friends...please spare me the annoyance of dealing with a similar situation again...let me know if I upset you. Okay? Thanks a lot. Well, I'm off to do whatever, I think I just needed to vent. Toodles!
Jerry B.^_^
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