holy shit this is idiculous.

Sep 11, 2012 03:36

with a boken keyboad key it actually distubes the flow of typing.maybe i'm too dunk, o maybe it;s been too long.... maybe i eally don't have much too say at all.but i came back fo a eason.....it was in my head to .....do something......ah fuck it. this is just a waste of time.

i just sat fo ten mins tyin to decide whethet o not to delete this and decided to let it exist. if you have nothing positive to ply dont bothe.

fuck. it dosent matte . seiously. i'm hittin the send, o post buttun fo shee comedic easonsl.

if you cant ead this you a fucking illogicak tad who can't figue shit out and pobably have no sense of humo .

.the end.
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