Jul 15, 2009 22:24
In my opinion, the local sca group is on the verge on collaspe, basicly from fatigue, the officiers are burnt..crispy..friggin run down... And its basicly due to the fact that some of them have been in the same positions for many years..Now dont get me wrong, they have done a great job, but as one of them said to me..I am tired of trying to provide for everyones fun..you have the workers an the poges...we have a seneschal, who has done less than a stellar job..if he didnt refuse the help that was offered,more than once, I guess I wouldnt be so negative..I was the seneschal here for too many years..an the only reason that things went as well as they did was the Absolutely great support I got, from so so many(who unfortunately..some are still in the same positions)....but there is a move afoot to get me to be seneschal again(unfortunately I havent done anything to say no) and actually I initially have agreed to this...I am going to have to say no to this, not sure I can change what I see going on with the group and I am not sure I want to try....I am sure many will see this as a copout, but I dont really want to play in this role anymore....