so what do we know, and lets wrap this "ghost hunting" up

May 16, 2008 22:48

      So what do we actually know
      a)The term "ghost hunting" is actually a misnomer, really should be "we are out here wandering around in the dark looking for something that even we arent sure exsists, but hey wtf!" Doesnt make for real exciting conversation, the coolness factor is lower than whalepoop and it makes for really poor TV.
      b) No "ghost" produce has appeared on any shelf at my Food Lion how about yours?
      c) The equipment used by modern day "ghost hunters" is absolutely no more reliable than any that has come before it, no research, study has ever been conducted to show that it even does what the hunters believe it does, or doesnt do...costs a hell of alot more, looks real cool, opens up this activity to anyone with excess cash to hang loads of really neat gadgets around their neck and makes it (that the gadgets actually work) believable to modern day society, which is completely wrapped up in high tech.           d)Anyone with a shred of intellegence (at least in my thinking) who believes that a staged TV show is doing actual "research" into phenomena yet to be proven is smokin crack.     The motives of our modern day "hunter" are as varied as the folks doin it. A few are getting paid, noterity, publicity.....out to prove a past "personal experience" is validated....hedge bet against death....that all them haints are indeed hangin about waitin for the second coming of The Lord(you know that whole judgement thing)  a very small fraction are indeed just trying to prove that ghosts actually do or dont exsist and some just like graveyards, traditional "ghostly" places and think its cool to wander around such places at 3am.
     So what do we know ,for sure, absolutely nothing more that when I started this, but heh wtf, rite?

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