just the usual BS

May 04, 2007 23:06

    So the 3rd of the wild bunch is home from school,an the 1ST is due home soon(after graduation)considering a life/profession as a photographer is harder than rock stardom(but Im proud) she is very very goodat what she does....an none are pregnant,involved in much stupid drama(as some of the more established couples I know, who for however we try to intervien seem to actually thrive on their absolutely insane DRAMA an actually thrive on it. And how does it affect the little 1s? Watch an yee shall see....Was gonna post to the Queen of Drama but decided it was better to just leave off,   Sorry
    So Pennesic this year is an up in the air thing(who can go an so forth) any1 who thinks adult children are either eaiser or GONE are so so mistaken...as 1 of the Drama Queens can attest 2, if she would be so honest(as opposed to being wrapped up in the Drama,,, an creating (the Drama) her life would be so much the better....but I have come to believe that this 1 enjoys/feeds/lives for the Drama... creates it ,because that is her life....Madness U say, but true...

An on 2 other questions, of import, any1 know of any source out ther makin SCA armor out of Kelvar?
   Theres a reward if U can answer..... 
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