By any other name....

Apr 12, 2010 22:26

An introductory poll!

Poll What do you call the human Doctor?Why is 'your name' your favorite?  And are there any you just can't stand?  If so, why?

terminology, poll

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fleurette April 13 2010, 03:38:44 UTC
Hi! My favourite term is 10.5, really because I just like the way it sounds, AND so I can be clever and call my chihuahua, whose name is actually, The Doctor, 10.75...LOL

I also like Handy because it's funny, and I don't mind most of the other names. In my fanfics, in the few times I've referred to it [I mostly write drabbles and ficlets, so it hasn't come up often], I call him David Noble. It really bothers me when he's given Tyler as a surname, because to me it doesn't make sense, since Rose Tyler is his romantic interest -- makes it sound like she's his sister or something. I also prefer that he's not called John Smith, because that's really what the proper Doctor uses as an alias, and doesn't separate the two as much as I'd like, but I don't mind it much. I'm not sure what I think about 10.5 called Jack or Jamie...don't mind it, but meh. And Marvin's cute! :) Again, not what I'd call him, but I like that it's a bit different, so cool! :)


beautifulntime April 13 2010, 04:34:35 UTC
*waves* Hello ( ... )


juliet316 April 13 2010, 04:42:36 UTC
Just a guess, but Jamie might be a homage of some sort since the Doctor's second incarnation once traveled with a young Scotsman named Jamie McCrimmon.


beautifulntime April 13 2010, 04:50:23 UTC
Quite possible. I mean that's the only explanation I could think of, but it didn't make a whole lot of sense to me. I dunno. *shrugs*


juliet316 April 13 2010, 04:55:56 UTC
The only way it makes sense to me is that when Two was forced to regenerate by the Time Lords Jamie and Two's other companion Zoe had their memories of their time with the Doctor wiped and sent back to their own time periods.


beautifulntime April 13 2010, 04:58:20 UTC
Yup. And in the second season (of the revived series, obviously) the Doctor and Rose are in Scotland and he gives his name as "Dr. James McCrimmon."

Don't know if that would prompt 10.5 to use it though. Still, that's the most logical reason. :)


fleurette April 13 2010, 09:30:38 UTC
LOL...that is the little guy in my icon when he was still a puppy, and his pretty silky hair hadn't quite grown in yet! I think he was something like 6 to 9 months old...he's a year old now, and [*heh* only slightly] bigger! I made him his own blue suit, btw!

Jamie refers to a companion the second Doctor travelled with...whose memory was also wiped at the end of his time. [Ah! I see this is being discussed below...and now it's here too, YAY!] Taking his name makes more sense to me than taking Jack's, especially considering the relationship between the two -- aside from Noble, because that is where he came from, not to mention their best friends type of relationship -- I don't see him taking on any companion's name, or even naming their time babies after anyone but Donna.

Oh, and another one I've heard is using Gallifrey as a surname. I suppose it's a nice idea in theory, but it would be as if you'd take on Earth as a surname and how awkward is that?!


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