Jul 20, 2005 00:18
Yay! Live Journal!
So here is an update:
So, according to my Grandma, I'm the last/only hope for the family. I fuck up, and I'm not sucessful in life (i.e. rich) and don't have kids, our family's hope are dead. Yay! Sad thing is out of 6 cousins, I'm the best off. wtf? It would break her heart to tell her I have no goals and/or ambitions to be rich or have kids. Imagine me as a father, doesn't an image of the world imploding come to mind?
-Still managing Hollywood Video, staff is awesome.
-Supposed to be starting on my senior project, and I've talked to my advisor once thi summer about it...yeah, not goigns so good.
-Hate having people "who you tried to hang out with all year but usually failed to" tell you, "You have to keep in touch with me." over and over again when they move away. Yeah, right...
-I love beer, I love beirut. On of my goals this summer was to hone my skills at beirut. Sadly enough, thats the onyl goal I've made steps toward accompishing.
-Ive been asked to manage the Santa Maria Hollywood Video til I graduate in Dec, this means: harder work, long drive, more pay, bigger bonus (bigger store), and the chance to be held up at gun point. Sad thing is I'm still thinking about it.
-Moved into a new house, and I love it...I actually can cook now. fenced back yard for Mav, huge room, private bathroom with one person (who doens't move in until Fall), cool roommates, Cute neighbors (eh, like I'll ever say anything, but now theres a chance).
Thats a my life in a nutshell. Work a lot, drink a lot, whine a lot.....Some people just don't change.