Vatheon app

Jan 15, 2011 15:31

[ Player Name ] : Angie
[ Personal LJ ] : yourusername
[ Age ] : 19
[ Timezone ] : Eastern
[ Other Characters ] : Lily Evans

[ Character's Name ] : Jade Harley
[ Character's Age ] :  13
[ Series ] : Homestuck
[ Canon Point ] :  Right after turning off the 4th wall

[ History ] :

[ Personality ] :
Jade out of everyone is probably one of  the most polite and outright caring people in Homestuck. She not only acts a lot younger than everyone else, but she speaks with less contractions and doesn't swear nearly as often. So instead of "i'll" or "i'm" she'll usually say "i will" or "i am" which makes her text come off as very polite and sincere. Because she is a very polite and sincere person. She cares about her friends and others, and does everything she can do to help them with their quests. (With the help of Prospit dream clouds!!)

As said above, jade is very kind. The side you see of her most through canon is a sweet, quirky little girl with a plethora of unusual interests. She's very driven and helpful. Even when dealing with the people she doesn't like (ie: the trolls), she doesn't do more than frown and block them when they get too rowdy or on her nerves. This shows her patience, which she has a lot of! She is very patient, and willing to forgive. I mean heck, she even forgave Tavros for inadvertently killing her grandfather, and then gently let him down when he asked her out. Does that say something or does that say something?

Her patience does have a limit, however. When extremely upset she will fly off the handle and tell it like it is. She chews out both Karkats, tells Jadesprite to "SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP" and proceeds to bitch slap her repeatedly, and is basically grumpy mc grumpy pants for however long she's upset for. This is a side of her that people don't usually get to see, because she rarely gets that angry. Luckily, those bouts of anger and frustration don't seem to last that long, and once she has a rational conversation, or does something to take her mind off of things, she calms right back down and acts as she normally does.

Another important point is her precognition. While she doesn't have it anymore (Because she saw the future through dream clouds on Prospit) it left an important mark on her, and how she grew up. See, Jade spent most of her life knowing what was going to happen. She knew what she needed to do, and what the outcome of her efforts would be. So she doesn't know how to deal with failure, or with making decisions that she doesn't know the outcome of, because she has always known. When Prospit and her dreamself is destroyed? It's the first real disappointment and surprise she has ever had to deal with, and it leaves her in an unsavory mood. (It didn't help that she had a clusterfuck of a dream right after, either.)

In addition to all this Jade is very forgetful, using colorful strings on her fingers to remember important things. A very tech savvy individual, she has no less than five computers on her at all times! She also has narcolepsy (though this is usually instigated by Vriska. Poor Jade is like a test subject or something), and tends to fall asleep whenever and wherever without even realizing she's fallen asleep. Finally, she types in a bright cheerful green!! it is definitely a happy color and is accentuated by the use of many similes :D

[ Strengths/Weaknesses ] :
+ Jade is a skilled markswoman. She was taught this skill by her Grandpa when she was younger, and it is definitely a strong point. Can you say shooting a totem while blindfolded? Awww yea.

+ Jade is a strong, driven character. She takes whats coming and deals with it, and does what she has to without fail.

+ She is a very loyal friend.

- / +Jade grew up on an island in the middle of nowhere without much social interaction outside Bec and her Grandfather. Needless to say she doesn't have much experience dealing with people face to face. Though with Jade being Jade it's not really a bad thing.

- She is not used to dealing with the unexpected.

[ Other Important Facts ] :


[ Sample ] :
[The screen clicked off and suddenly Jade found herself waking up somewhere she didn't recognize. She was soaking wet and...underwater? Okay what the hell did Karkat trick her into doing? Ugh she should never have listened to him!

She spots the SFC, and picks it up. It looked like a computer, but she couldn't find the Pesterchum application on it. Well, it wouldn't hurt to see if anyone could read it...right?]

what did that do?
ughhh dont just up and leave like that!!
it is very rude you know
especially when i have been transportalized to who knows where!! |:<

[Getting no reply, Jade sighs and captchalogues the device. Quickly she looks around, hoping to get a better look at her surroundings.

There were a lot of buildings, a glowing piece of coral...and a bunch of people? She was used to waking up in weird places, yes, but this didn't look like it was a part of the Medium.]

Hello? [it was a long shot, but...] Dave? John? Rose? Are you guys here? Hello!? [Somewhat worried, she runs over to the nearest person.] Excuse me? you know where I am?

[ Questions? Comments? Concerns? ] : N/A


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