Barbecue at Kiki's

Sep 11, 2011 15:26

We had a lot of fun round at Kiki's yesterday for a barbecue. Jules wasn't feeling too well at the start (not alcohol related), but seemed to have recovered by the evening. Despite bad weather warnings, and my frequent attempts to jinx it, it turned out fine after all. We drank Pimms, were chased by wasps, I ate a rather dubiously cooked hamburger, sausages, pheasant, some strawberries and felt very stuffed by the end of the night.

Admittedly there weren't that many of us, so at some point someone suggested putting on a film. It was a choice between A Knight's Tale and Doctor Strangelove, and Heath Ledger won by a coin toss. Since we'd all seen it, we talked the whole way through, commented on the naked Geoffrey Chaucer's bum, Laura Fraser, and how anachronistic it all was (which was the point). Definitely a good idea, although it probably wouldn't have worked if there had been many more people there.

Oh, and I was subject of the phrase said by two people simultaneously: "you're making us look normal"!

barbecue, socialising

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