Jun 01, 2009 22:35
My first real post on dreamwidth, and I'm crossposting to Livejournal (I don't know what the etiquette for crossposting is here, but I'm assuming it's okay, provided I don't go spamming multiple groups with something only appropriate to one). There have been numerous scares in the past that LJ was going to go down the pan, and it hasn't yet, but that's no reason not to take precautions.
Being British, I feel I ought to discuss the weather. It's bloody hot. I'm finding it difficult to stay asleep at night, and Jules says I feel unnaturally hot to the touch. Anyway, this is leading to me sleeping in in the mornings, which isn't really good. Consequently I stayed at work until 7.30 today, to make up for it. My supervisor was still there when I left, and I gave him a copy of my work as it is currently, but it has gaps in it the size of a Creationist's misunderstanding of the scientific method (any sort of conclusion for one).
Also, I have been continuously tinkering with my program, as I find new things to add or adjust. It's done, but there are always little bits I like to tweak. Meanwhile, I occasionally trawl the web looking for advice on how to do things. I used to find the wisdom of programmers to be exciting in an authoritative sort of way, but I now realise one of the rules of Discordianism is so very useful: you should not believe everything you see written down*. Programmers often say things with great authority, and then you look around and see roughly half the rest of the community has a completely opposing view (trivial example: tabs or spaces, and it gets much worse). I can no longer read something that sounds like it's written by a lecturer and trust that it's good advice, when it's coupled with phases like: "if any of my students did this, I'd throw them off the course" (no, you're a jerk and the reason people hate your subject).
Anyway, if I can drag myself away from tinkering long enough, I have two presentations to give in the next month, that are reasonably important. One in York, and one in Penrith. They're going to require an awful lot of work, but fortunately it is the same work I should be doing anyway.
Finally, with regards to our wedding: we're working on our thank you letters; we still have to pay the council their blood money for using Blackford Hill (but all other bills are settled), and we'll get the photos out real soon - they are nice!
* wonderful advice by the way. I highly recommend once a day choosing to disbelieve just one thing that someone tells you, and checking its validity for yourself.