are the greatest

Dec 12, 2006 14:53

I just got my season 1-5 box set of Angel today! Ah'm a happy bunny =:X

Also a sleepy bunny, as I have a Stats data analysis handin and a 2,000 word essay on linkage and selection, both due on Thursday, but let's not dwell on that.

Oh, and lastly, I had exams last week. The first one was Population & Quantitative Genetics. All the answers were essay style, and since I'm not in the habit of answering that kind of question during in exam, I have no idea how well I did. But I have a feeling it wasn't too bad. The next exam was Statistics & Data Analysis, which I think I breezed through.

Finally, last Thursday was the open book P&QG exam 1A. It was truly awful. I came out shaking, the PhD student who was sharing our course said he could only answer one of the three questions, the former maths student from Cambridge said she was looking round to see if anyone else was having a nervous breakdown, and the Greek guy said it was like "really good sex". When questioned, he said "sorry, lost in translation; it means we got fucked really hard".

Oh well, only 48 hours to go before I'm finished for 2006. I've been reading Charlie Stross's The Atrocity Archives, which makes for a wonderful distraction from handins, and although at times the writing style is as dense as some of the genetics papers I've been reading, I'd swear the book was written for me. Which is probably a good thing.

Anyway, I said I was sleepy, only got about 2 hours of sleep last night, so I'll be heading back to bed for a wee bit.

angel, essays, books, exams

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