Jul 02, 2007 01:57
So I get to work today and the first thing my manager says is "Amber, did you have anything to do with Kari quitting Friday?" LOL..."Sadly, no." I tell her. She smiles at me, "...but I know who did." And I tell her it was Alicia cause, well...it was. Her reply? "She was my second guess. I knew it was one of you two."
None of this was said in a bad tone or anything. In fact, my manager found it amusing. It seems Alicia and I don't always get along with everyone (okay, so I called Tiffany a bitch ONCE and I called Kari on her attitude.) It seems I've got myself a reputation. Why change? "I think I'll work on getting someone else to quit tonight..." I tell her. All my manager can do is laugh.
In GREATbeyondGOOD news. I kicked my roommate out! I have my own place back. HELL YEAH!!! Tuesday I took my sister to the high school (enrollment crap for the DMV) and I get a call from my mom saying that Bailey got out and no one can find her. SHIT. So I race home, pull over on the side of the road as I see her and get out of the car. Stupid me calls her name and she darts out into the road where not one, but TWO cars are coming. One from either direction. So I run out in the street to move her and the fucking car stopped less than a foot in front of me. Fuck that would have HURT! So I found out my roommate let her out on purpose and that was the last straw. He moved most of his stuff out yesterday and better finish the rest by tomorrow.
I haven't decided though what I want to do with the extra room. I have 3 options. Turn it into an office/library or whatever, use it as a spare bedroom and store some extra out-of-season clothes in the room since my closet no longer holds it all or (my favorite and most expensive option) turn the room into one BIG ASS closet! Any other ideas?
The downside to all this? I have FULL rent (not half like expected), a $116 speeding ticket and my car insurance (a whopping $282 this month...don't ask it's a LONG story) all due by the 11th. Rent should be fine, the ticket I can make in $20 payments if needed but UGH. I hope my check Thursday is big enough. Otherwise insurance will be LATE. :( After that I'll be all clear and then Marial and I are going to LAS Vegas the first weekend of August. VEGAS, BABY!!!
Chad and I are now a thing. Since last Sunday. It's weird not being single.
Also...anyone watched Burn Notice on USA? FUCKING AWESOME! I watched it simply cause nothing else was on and...how can you not like it? It's like McGuyver style with a hot CIA agent who's been burned and it's funny, creative, and has a great cast. Thursday nights at 10pm PST...CHECK IT OUT!!!