today can't make up its mind...

Dec 10, 2008 08:40

I got a hellishly early start this morning so I could let the vampires draw my blood. Doc wanted tests for everything under the damned sun. I'm halfway to the lab for my 7:30 appointment and realize my paperwork is sitting at home. Double plus not good. Turn around, stress out, run inside, grab paperwork, restart trip.

I'm already late when I hit Pacific Coast Highway and I'm a little further than where I turned around, but not a hell of a lot. Then it hit me.

The beautiful, gorgeous, spectacular beach. One of the many reasons I live in Southern California and a source of instant serenity. The stress is gone.

Picture the first:

Picture the second:

Actual beach:

As I'm driving along, all calm and happy again, the radio station of random sap (JILL FM for you locals) played the Christmas song from Alvin and the Chipmunks. I was suddenly back in kindergarten and LOVING IT.

Finally got to the lab and despite being 15 minutes late for the appointment and them making comments that made me think they were going to shove me with the walk in people, they got me in fairly quickly. However, when you HATE needles, it's a really bad idea to get blood drawn right after a root canal. Clenching teeth when they shove that fucking needle in your arm isn't any better than just dealing with the needle. Fucking thing still burns.

Got to work about half an hour late. Debating whether I go to the chiro today or not. Might just depend on how much Joan pisses me off. Good day means I stay here and "work" through at least part of lunch to make up for being late (not that anyone even realizes I was), bad day means I go to the chiro and have a slightly long lunch due to it.
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