there was more to last weekend than robot-wearing cargo shorts and gmail tennis. i went to a crawfish boil (disguised as a math party). despite my recent sea food binges, i couldn't really deal with the sights and smells of boiling crawfish. i could, however, deal with the very cold keg of Fat Tire.
i learned that
Patty Griffin is one of my neighbors; she lives just down the block from me. she was even at my neighbor's garden party, which i also attended. austin is full of all sorts of cool people, isn't it?
Super Size Me. scary scary scary. i thought i knew the whole story, but this movie still managed to shock the hell out of me. Morgan Spurlock consumed over THIRTY POUNDS of sugar in 30 days of eating McDonalds! there were people in the movie who drank over TWO GALLONS of regular soda PER DAY. and somehow, he managed to make this movie with a sense of humor. everyone should watch this film. it's killer.
fun outdoor project of the summer: Tim's garden. i love manual labor. it's so much more interesting and rewarding than going to the gym. what is it about being covered in dirt that makes me feel like i've accomplished something? or am I the only one? i've been wearing these rubber gloves that make my hands sweat and get all wrinkly (picture below by Tim). how hot is that?
today: i actually got to the gymnasium vaguely according to
schedule. i've always hated working out in the morning because i'm soooo tiiired and lethargic. even warming up on a treadmill doesn't give me a big enough boost. but i've figured out that riding my bike to the gym makes all the difference. you see, it wasn't the physical energy that i lacked, but rather, my brain hadn't woken up! by riding my bike, i not only get a physical boost, but i'm also forced to make all the minor decisions that come with being on the road which serves to wake me up mentally. fascinating, isn't it? or painfully obvious? i have no idea; i'm a zombie in the morning (or "militantly tired" according to tim). later i continue to learn how to cook like a hippie. this evening i tackle the mysteries of barbequed tofu! and then, uShip happy hour at the crown-and-spank-her. and then an apocalyptic journey as i tackle Fireball Mountain.