I read
this article while waiting for the bus this morning. It's about Ajay Trikha, who suffered brain damage as a result of a car accident. The damage rendered him incapable of performing appropriately in his UT classes. As a result, UT suspended him until he could prove via a positive doctor's evaluation that he is competent enough to perform academically. In the meantime, if Trikha so much as steps food on UT's campus, he could be escorted away in handcuffs.
Someone needs to step in and lay the hard truth on the line for Ajay: accidents suck and your life has changed. Ajay, you're too slow now and you can't keep up with UT classes. What? You say you were vice president of the College Republicans and you interned for the governor's office under G.W. and you had a 3.8 GPA? Key word here being "were". It's time to move forward with what you've been left to work with.
And UT: shame on you for be too embarrassed to tell Ajay the real deal. Tsk tsk... always hiding behind bureaucracy like a scared puppy.
Am I an asshole for thinking that UT shouldn't have to deal with "mentally impaired" students? It's one thing to give a student some extra time on an exam because some doctor said he's ADD, but I don't think a university should have to make any excuses for not allowing an academically incompetent student to continue study. When I was in grade school, I didn't mind that the "slow readers" got extra attention and their own special table. But if that kind of special treatment flies at UT, then maybe Larry Faulkner wouldn't mind reminding me exactly what all those applications and interviews and letters of recommendation were all about in the first place.