i'm thinking about dropping one of my four classes this semester, specifically, Algorithms (a theoretical approach). this is causing me a fair bit of guilt as i feel i should be able to handle 4 classes when 1 is a seminar and the other is credit/no credit. still, i'm having a difficult time getting my work done while looking for a job and pursuing my abs of steel. help.
last night, potential panic-induced cigarette smoking was averted by mental redirection. the solution? replace cigginess with sexiness: mental imagery has never worked so well. works well at the gym with all the sweat and pheromones. works even better in the post-gym shower.
keeping up with the jones's during lunch today and i think i may have caused some offense. i feel a bit sheepish about this because i know i've been takin' out some of my, oh let's call them insecurities, on other
woman who are spending too much time thinking about penises. i feel like i've spent the last 2 years of my life worrying so much about boyz that my mind just sort of gave up and fell asleep because it could no longer deal with the drama. and when i awoke, i was pissed as hell.: i'm starting to believe that i (the everywoman) am of no use to men unless they have some sexual power over me. it hurts though because i love men. as a misogynist, where do i go from here?
far. far. away.
so i'm doing
like cory and ridding myself of most earthly possessions. you could own the spacekadet couch and all of the sex juices its collected over the years!! stay tuned for a full inventory....