I finally moved out again. Thank GOD. I had missed being alone in an empty house. It was so rare before, now i'm constantly alone.. Lovely. Tomorrow I think i'm going to try to go to OCMA to see the Beautiful Losers show. I had already thought it looked interesting, then
madcowmartini posted an entry and it piqued my interest more. I'm in the OC all the time anyway, so I might as well, right? Is anyone going to Coachella this year? I am, yay! both days! I am eagerly anticipating the massive sunburn I know i'll get. The sun hates me. Anyway, enough chatter. Has anyone seen the Haunted Ebay picture before? I don't know if i believe it was haunted, but it is kinda creepy looking, no? The little boy looks homicidal. Brrr...