My Arisia Schedule (2015)

Dec 20, 2014 03:00

I will be arriving at Arisia on Thursday afternoon, pre-con, and leaving Wednesday morning (well past con, giving me time to go to Dead Dog on Monday night, and then wind down and mentally unpack on Tuesday).

I do not know yet all the panels I will be attending, nor when my office hours will be, so this schedule isn't final. There will also be parties, which also aren't listed here! I do, however, know the panels I will be on.

Friday, 7:00 PM: Psi, SF, and Storytelling (moderator)

"Since the days of John W. Campbell at Astounding, psi has been a staple in SF, though public discussion of the subject, by those with these experiences in real life, has been limited. Why do so many real life psi people find irresistible even problematic SFnal narratives? As children or adults, how do we identify with these depictions of people "like us," for better or worse? What do we gain? What do we lose? And what from these flawed but enticing narratives do we embrace, reject, or reclaim?"

Friday, 8:30 PM: Transgender Fen: The Next Generation

"Let's discuss the experiences and needs of the younger transgender fen community (including non-binary folk). What concerns and messages do trans* youth and young adults have to share with the larger community?"

Saturday, 4:00 PM: Transgender Fen

"Sci-Fi and Fantasy can be very progressive in its treatment of gender and gender identity, but how does this translate to the real world experience of the trans* fan? What does the community get right when it comes to accepting transgender individuals into fandom and what areas need improvement? And when is Sci-Fi and Fantasy not as progressive as it thinks it is?"

Sunday, 7:00 PM: Asexuality 101 (moderator)

"We're all familiar by now with the sexual orientations homosexual, heterosexual, and bi/pansexual. Much less discussed are asexuals, people who do not experience sexual attraction (but who may experience romantic attraction). We'll discuss what asexuality is and is not, the umbrella of asexual identities, and talk about some common challenges asexual people face and why visibility matters."

Sunday, 8:30 PM: Diversity and Inclusion

"Arisia is a diverse community, and with that comes multiple voices and potentially divergent perspective and ideas. How do we discuss multiple perspectives and points of view-some of which may be mutually exclusive or hard to hear-and make sure everyone gets heard without resorting to the kinds of name-calling and divisiveness that often marks such discussions?"

psi, arisia, lgbt, con, gender, asexuality

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