Lupa On (Problems With) The Law Of Attraction

May 17, 2014 04:21

Lupa's post.

I've read material that tells you that if bad things have happened to you, that it is your fault for not thinking positively enough. And that implied that children who are born into poverty or abusive homes literally asked for these challenges before they were born, that they chose to be there as a spiritual test, and that's why they don't have enough food to eat or they are being abused.

(When you say that every bad thing that happens to you in life is something you ASKED FOR before you were born, you do know you are saying (as an example) that people who are physically and sexually assaulted as children ASKED FOR THIS TOO, right? You do realize that this is what you are saying? That it's not the abuser's fault, because the victim ASKED FOR IT before they were born? You do realize this is victim-blaming disguised as "spiritual advice", right? ...Gah.)

It's not just the absurd levels of interconnectivity-denial and privilege denial that these books peddle -- sometimes it really is explicit victim blaming, or the notion that people in horrible situations have chosen to be there before they were born.


But there's more. THIS IS A HUGE INDUSTRY ALL ITSELF. Not only do they want you to believe this stuff, but they make lots of money off of it, too! And you're not supposed to think about that. You're not supposed to think, "huh, riches aren't coming to me, but they ARE coming to the people who sell this stuff!" You're supposed to buy more and more of their stuff, which will tell you how to think positive thoughts, which will make you rich. (And if you're not rich yet, it's your fault for not thinking positive enough, OR BUYING ENOUGH OF THEIR MATERIALS!)

So, how then does one explain the millions of children worldwide who are living in poverty? Their parents didn't think positively enough? If they only wished harder in the right ways, their babies wouldn't starve or die from lack of clean drinking water? (But if they only had the money to buy this book, it would all be OK now.)

There is so much wrong with the "logic." But what Lupa doesn't mention is that these folks also make a lot of money off of selling this crap. It's not just nonsense -- it's nonsense that makes THEM a lot of money -- YOUR money.

On a personal note, I'm also really fed up with these people because every time I try to search for groups of people (in person or online) who are interested in telepathy, these people pop up, and let's put it this way -- what I mean by that word and what they mean by it apparently bear NO RESEMBLANCE WHATSOEVER, nor do their goals and values and mine line up, and I'm tired of being recommended to such groups because, by accident of my birth, I have the senses I do. Enough already.

psi, oppression

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