
Nov 03, 2005 22:29

So this has been the first time i have been able to write really.

As you all know, michael came home saturday night. After the shock was gone of him actually being in my arms, a night of neverending kisses, grasping hands and exploring bodys followed. The days that have followed have been him and me, friends, adventures, rain, bickering, sex, massages, bets, fun, excitment. Jessica and Chris parks started dating. Right now chris and michael are over. Michaels playing grand theft auto. He's been in a really irrated mood today, and yesterday...basically ever since monday. I dont know why. But it's saddening. Im begining to see that clouded look again, That "im not so sure" look. And it scares me. I dont know if im more scared that he doesnt love me, or that he's lying to me about something. But all i know is, Everytime I have seen this look..Something bad has come out.

So im scared.


Im so very tired. Woke up at like seven am to go pick mushies. -gah-
Saturday night me and jess are spending the night out at the parks houses.

drunken chaos.

I just hope michael starts feeling better.
It sucks.
Im glad he is home though. We've been having a lot of fun and making up for the time he was gone.
I missed him dearly. and his sour moods too.
lol. Just another part of him I love so very deeply.
He bought me a skirt and a shirt thingy and he has a shirt that matches. Its very cute. Summer wear though. But i love it.
I love this boy.


Hope things are good.
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