and 1 to go on my Media take home exam. They're only 1000 word essays, but it's surprisingly hard to say everything you want to say in that many words in a clear and concise way. And it's just so not me!
Okay. I'm tired. My cat is sitting on my alarm clock and changing the time, and I need to pee.
I finished the 5th bones book on the train this morning and stole the next 5 off jaggy_lioness when I went to wake neeplet up. I think those 5 should last me until my exam on the 19th.
Oh. BSG was OMG!
Adama and Tigh fighting FTW!
No Laura =(
6 can't be pregnant with Tigh's baby. Cause 1. That's gross, and 2. they're both cylons...
Adama and Roslin sitting in a tree. K I S S I N G. First comes love. Then comes marriage. Then comes Adama with the baby carriage.
OH! And Carmel bought a puppy! Fucking expensive *cough*900*cough* As soon as I have photos, you'll have photos. It's little and white... and that's all I know cause I don't remember the breeds she said it was.
The kids are bouncing about it!
Everyone go guess some more on my
music meme. There are still 18 to go!