"because it was the only good thing to come out of the 80s besides us." (ilu Schteph)

May 23, 2010 12:01

yaaay its’ been a fantastic week.

last Sunday was gorgeous and I was home in Grimsby while Dave was up at Algonquin on the portage trip. my dad took off somewhere on his bike with Bernie and Roland early on, I think they were on a poker run or something, so I ran some errands with mum in the morning before taking the CBR out for a spin after lunch. I rode all the way to Stoney Creek :D not far by car, but it’s the furthest I’ve ever gone solo on the bike so I was pleased. fairly drama-free ride too. was hit in the visor by a gigantic bumblebee (this is why you wear full-faced helmets, kids) and got stuck behind a tractor at one point but otherwise it was great. tons of bikes out on the road too, got lots of waves :)

that night Dave had come back from camping and the rest of the party wanted to go out for sushi so I met up with them in Hamilton and we went to August 8. lots of stories, thankfully the canoes only capsized once! Dave wants to go back badly, but he needs to work on paddling a little more before we go up there on our own (I’ve only canoed a handful of times myself and only at the bow.) it was awesome though, because our entire apartment smelled like camping for a good three days after he brought all his gear home. yay campfire smell! I was a little sad when we cleaned the place up and it disappeared haha.

*thinks back* Monday(?) night we went to the pub with Sarah and Jordan while Graeme was out with friends. on Tuesday we finally saw Iron Man 2 with Ken and Melissa. Ken had like, 9000 points on his Scene card so he paid for the lot of us and there was some Telus promo on at the theatre so we got free drink/popcorn combos. totally unexpected free movie night? flawless victory. Wednesday was quiet, did a bit of a hike and cleaned up the apartment.... finalized some vacation things. Thursday was Sarah’s place, though Graeme was at bagpipes so we missed him (what is this? avoid Graeme week?) and on Friday I had the day off work so I came back to Grimsby early and have been here since.

yesterday was our May Two-Four barbecue, lots of fun. ended up playing cards for way longer than I thought we would be we had a blast out on the deck. good music, good food and all that. for only spending $50 I think our fireworks in the park turned out better than expected. there were some special Jordan and Dave moments too, I’m looking forward to the photos :P

and right now I’m on a break from taking the deck apart with my parents, remodeling started early this morning and I’ve been put in charge of drilling, apparently. we’ve taken down all the spindles/railings and are tackling the staircase next. I wanted to ride later this afternoon but it’s beginning to cloud over and I still need to grocery shop before going home so we’ll see what happens. at this point I’d be just as happy taking a nap.

motorcycle, life, grimsby, friends, summer fun, family

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